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Dhivyashri Ramesh's Articles

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Intern Diaries 4.0 - An Interview with Shruthi and Sri Akshaya

Company:       Morgan Stanley “Consistency, consistency, consistency, there’s nothing more important than that, keep working, at some point the work will pay off” Interviewer:    Dhivyashri Ramesh, CSE, 3rd year Interviewees:  Shruthi S, CS

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Five Hacks for The Online Exam Season

If you’re able to go on 12-hour study sessions with utmost focus, without them feeling like a rapidly fading memory to you, are you even normal? Owning a phone that has notification bars lighting up like a Christmas tree every few minutes isn’t of mu

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The life of a teenager

“I was fourteen,” she said exuberantly, but the mist in her eyes indicated otherwise. As her timeworn rounded shoulder and fragile body slumped over her reclusive cot, it seemed as though she was carrying a burden much heavier than she could shoulder

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Intern Diaries 4.0 - An Interview with Shruthi and Sri Akshaya

Company:       Morgan Stanley “Consistency, consistency, consistency, there’s nothing more important than that, keep working, at some point the work will pay off” Interviewer:    Dhivyashri Ramesh, CSE, 3rd year Interviewees:  Shruthi S, CS

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Five Hacks for The Online Exam Season

If you’re able to go on 12-hour study sessions with utmost focus, without them feeling like a rapidly fading memory to you, are you even normal? Owning a phone that has notification bars lighting up like a Christmas tree every few minutes isn’t of mu

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The life of a teenager

“I was fourteen,” she said exuberantly, but the mist in her eyes indicated otherwise. As her timeworn rounded shoulder and fragile body slumped over her reclusive cot, it seemed as though she was carrying a burden much heavier than she could shoulder